Breaking News: Year End Cranky Healed by Galactic Center ~ 17 Dec 2013

No doubt you’re feeling it. Year end cranky. If you feel like you missed out on something this year, or worse, were excluded, there’s a reason. As those holiday parties roll around and as word comes about as to which ones you were invited to... or not... or uninvited from, reactions will be stronger and more tense than normal.

On New Year’s Eve, of all nights, the irascible - especially when things are taken away - Ceres opposes the dwarf planet, Eris, who bears a reputation for despising situations in which she is socially shunned. Ceres, though in ambassadorial Libra, can do nothing to assuage reactions to feelings of being left out, ignored, excluded, rejected, passed over, and/or dismissed without valid consideration.

On December 29th, Mercury and the Sun align in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries. Should a person not receive acceptance for their funk, avant garde nature, off the wall abstractions, their perceptions of self esteem and personal integrity may be challenged. This too, can lead to cranky.

What’s a person to do?

First, be cool. Remember if any given person does not recognize your talent, skill, brilliance, ingenuity or creativity, those attributes are not dismissed within your being... only your confidence in those abilities is shaken. So, it’s a time requiring great determination and reaffirmation of all the gifts you were given by your very incarnation.

One thing you can do is to take every aspect in your horoscope, no matter if “tense” or “harmonious” by reputation, and write at least one affirmation for it. That should give you a list to check twice that assures you keep your best skills in mind and allows you to realize your inner tool belt is still full and your innovation locker well stocked.

Another thing you can do is ride the Galactic Center transit inspiration wave. Tomorrow the Sun makes its annual passage over this powerful supermassive black hole that regulates the order of our galaxy. As this occurs, new innovations trickle into the consciousness. These ideas are nothing short of world-evolving and brilliant. So make notes, create a jog your memory sheet sufficient to recall the seed thought, and come Sunday when Mercury aligns with the Galactic Center, go for a more complete grab of the new ideas.

Bear in mind these ideas lead what the collective is ready to grab. If you shout these ideas from a mountain top, neighbors will only slam windows shut as surveillance drone operators snicker from their hidden control room bunkers. It will take time for the ideas to be received well, and that time gives you an opportunity to develop the presentation of your new insights further. Traditionally, it takes six to nine months for the collective to wrap around Galactic Center ideas. But maybe in 2014, folks will be so eager for fresh ways of thinking come the third week of May (just before Norwac, you know), that after Mars goes direct, the ideas might be perceivable and well received. If nothing else, everyone is going to be ready for a break from a virtually nonstop five month era of personal planets retrograde.

So, it’s the holidays, and brevity is the soul of holiday posts being read. More soon, and before the New Year.

Happy Holidays, no matter how/what you celebrate, to you and yours.

As an aside, I am now booking into January for consultations, with but a very few appointments remaining this month. Best to book sooner. As well, there will be a slight adjustment to consultation fees in January.